Thursday, August 2, 2012

Crested Chain Stitch

Crested Chain Stitch is also known as Spanish Coral Stitch. This Chain combines chain stitch and coral stitch. Use for bands and borders and for outlining curved motifs. Work top to bottom and draw parallel guidelines.

Step 1. Come up at A. Go down just to the right of A and come up at B, looping thread under needle point from left to right. Pull to form knot.

Step 2. Go down at C, behind working thread, and come up at D. Loop thread under needle point from left to right. Pull to form second knot.

Step 3. Slide needle from top to bottom under horizontal stitch between knots. Do not pick up background fabric.

Step 4. Go down at B through knot. then come up at E with working thread under needle point. Pull through to create a slanting stitch.

Step 5. Repeat from Step 2., using a slanting stitch as the anchor point for each new stitch as shown.

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